
In this chapter we look how you add state to your webserver. Then we'll look how you can access this state in your handlers.

How to add state

What's a webserver worth, if it cannot handle state? In this example we will fill a HashMap of people (from the previous chapter) and add a query to fetch all - and fetch one. That will be your task.

To add state in axum we have to options:

  • State: it's type safe - will fail at compile time
  • Extension: Not typesafe - i.e will fail at runtime

We will use State here. To add a state, you can call the .with_state() at the end of your Router Builder. We will just put a HashMap for learning reason (It's wrapped in an Arc<Mutex<_>>, so we can share it between threads). Usually you would give a handle to a database pool - which the handler then can use to make queries and insertions to a database.

async fn main() {
    let persons: HashMap<String, Person> = HashMap::new();
    let in_memory_db = Arc::new(Mutex::new(persons));

    let router = Router::new()
        .route("/persons", post(add_person_handler))

    let listener = tokio::net::TcpListener::bind("").await.unwrap();

    axum::serve(listener, router).await.unwrap();

How to access (and mutate) state

With axum's extraction logic, you can also extract State in the same way in the handler like a Json extractor. Now you can really add persons in the add_person_handler, like the following:

fn main() {
async fn add_person_handler(
    State(db): State<InMemoryDb>, // <-- State extractor - here we get the state
    Json(person_to_add): Json<PersonToAdd>,
) -> impl IntoResponse {
    let mut db_lock = db.lock().await; // <-- Get the mutex lock

    let uuid = Uuid::new_v4();
    let person = Person {
        uuid: uuid.to_string(),
    db_lock.insert(uuid.to_string(), person.clone()); // <-- Insert the person


Let's write a small handler to receive all of our current person - but this time as a small challenge for you ;).

Your Task

  • Go into the project snippets/axum/state and open your IDE of choice there.
  • Write a handler, that returns a list of Person as Json, when you call GET /persons. Of course the list will only be filled up, if you posted some persons
  • We already gave you a small starter here:
fn main() {
// TODO: This is your task ;)
pub async fn get_all_persons_handler(State(db): State<InMemoryDb>) -> impl IntoResponse {
  • run cargo test to verify you implemented the handler correctly

Hint: You can also test your webserver afterwards with cargo run. To add persons with this curl command:

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST --data '{"name":"Hans"}' http://localhost:3000/persons