
Today we will build a shopping list, that you can edit and share with your friends! So you never have to write one on your own again.

The fullstack workshop will be a guided workshop, where we will implement the things together. If you do not want to copy all this boilerplate code, you can have a look at the finished repo

If you need specifically the solution for a chapter, you can have a look at the solutions repository. It is structured after the chapters in this book.

If you see any issues - or errors in this book, or the solutions we are very happy for pull requests to fix these.


We strive for a simple architecture with a frontend, backend and a database. For simplicity reasons, we implement a simple in memory database. This means that we will lose our data as soon as we stop the server process, but for the workshop app this is good enough.

Simple Architecure for our workshop project


At the end of the workshop you are going to have a fully working small web application, in which you can create and share shopping lists. Those lists can also be edited from several people at the same time.

The app is styled with Tailwind, along with a component library called DaisyUi.

The final result can look like this:

Loading or Creating a list

Page, where you can load a shopping list

Editing list

Page, where you can load a shopping list