Rust Workshop #2

Rust Workshop #2

· 440 words · 3 minutes reading time Workshop Axum Dioxus Fullstack


Our second Rust workshop in Basel. This time it's been about fullstack Rust. Writing your backend, and also your frontend in the rust programming language. For this workshop we used dioxus, where you can write your front end completely rust. It also offers UI native for desktop and even for mobile apps.

This time we built a fullstack web application with our attendees, where you can create, delete shopping lists, as well as items in these shopping lists.


The guidebook from the past workshop you can find here. If you want to have the solutions for the guidebook from above - have a look here. The directories in the solution repository correspond to the chapter in the book (just in case you get stuck).

If you do not feel like recoding it yourself, you can also clone the finished Github repository here. Note: This repo was created beforehand (As we learned dioxus there first hand ;>). So the last chapter in the solution differes from this solution and also might not be the most idiomatic rust code.

The meetup itself

We had like 22 attendees in the Markthalle in Basel. Atmosphere was great - food was sponsored be Endress+Hauser - and the attendees learned something new. In total a successful meetup!

Below some impressions in images:

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Feedback from our community (to improve for next time):

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We are very grateful for Endress+Hauser Digital Solutions for sponsoring this event. With their help we could sponsor the location as well as the beverage (lunch+drinks) during the event.

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If you are looking for a job, we can recommend Endress+Hauser as a great place to work! Have a look at their job offers. They might soon also have some Rust jobs ;). Stay tuned!

Next meetup

If you like to attend future meetup meetings you can find the them here.

See you next time! :)

Roland & Yasin